XSS students' reflections (In English)

In my opinion, the system of storing water in Singapore is not really good. The water seems polluted. But there are some tortoises in the river. In Beijing, is impossible to see any animals in the drain. So Singapore is cleaner than Beijing. I think we had a great time. We were communicate and cooperate. I felt so happy and warm although the weather was hot and wet.  Through this activity, I know team work is really necessary and important. I'm proud of us.贾先沂

This activity was fun and engaging and it taught me and my friends many things about the water system in Singapore. We not just first-hand collected the water and tested it, we also managed to test it and deudce a conclusion for ourselves. This was a fun and engaging experience and I will remember this experience for a long time. - 朱凌云

I think this activity is meaningful In my eyes ,we found water is dirty and had many dirty things.We had a great time.

孙盈姗 I have improve my teamwork. We should speed up all our process instead of taking out own sweet time. We must work in a smarter way.

As the Ammonium level is very high,it shows that the waste water that was poured into the river contains feaces of people and animals in the water.But it bring nutrients to the fishs and help them to life. The water maybe good for fish to live but not for drinking .The Dissolved Oxygen level is low due to the flow of the water form upstream to downstream.This means that the Dissolved Oxygen has been maked by grass.And the high temperture shows that the water is shine by sun and it helps grass to grow.As long as the grass grow,the fish well live better. ~ 王孟柯

I have learnt many new skills such as using the data loggger and experience how it was like to walk on the street. We were also cooperative in collecitng the water sample and collecting the data. the water that we collected had high turbidity. Hence, I conclude that the water is not clean and undrinkable. -张禧洋

I think this activity is meaningful and fun. And the water is quite clean,so we should conserve water. ~毕佳琪

The event is very meaningful and memorable for us. I experienced a completely different country with the experiment .

I think this activity is very meaningful and interesting. I know Singapore's water is not clean.马中

There is an abundance of oxygen in the water and it has low turbidity. The overall water quality is good.:D

because we take the water from the drain, so the water is more dirty. Because the outdoor temperature is higher, so the temperature of the water.The turbidity of water is higher, so the water quality is not very good. -苏咸宁

because the water turbidity is high,we can see water is dirty.The water is not safe to drink.   - 施梓艺

For the element of Chlorine, it's perviously that the less human activity the area has, the less Chlorine is contained in water of certain area. And result from group 5’s data  of Ammonium, I think it may have lots of animals. Green Belt is only one area that the water is acid. 王若丞

曹逍桐: The water is very dirty and is alkaline. It has a high temperature. There is very little oxygen in it, the fish might die if it lived there

On the wholethe quality of water is not very wellsol suggest doing more protection about the water. But  what make me feel surprise is why green belt's water is more polluted than public housing,maybe it is because of environmentit had just rained.      路雯迪

the temperature of the water is very high. the chlorine value is also very high because of the swimming pools nearby. 侯博洋

because we took water from behind a private housing estate, the private housing estate might have dispose their  swimmingpool water into the canal. Chlorine lEvels were very high. Therefore, we can conclude that the Private housing estate might have disposed their swimmingpool water into the canal 刘艺

due to the fact that, the chlorine level in the water is higher than compared to other places, shows that the condominium is discharging excessive cholrine water-刘楚瑜

because of the place we got the water so it not really good results,I think zhe water is care about the enviroment,in public place,the water of the end of zhe river is dirty because people don't use it,in the people's live place,the water might be clean ,it cares about people's life,I think this activity can help me know to do better collaborate with my group and what it really is.I think it is a fantasitic process --马振博

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